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In 1992 AnnMarie moved from New York City and created her dance center. It quickly became the premiere destination for the best dancers and choreographers in the world.

It was the first studio to include: hip hop with all the other style of dance into a commercial teaching space, a scholarship program to all level of dancers, and colorful studio space to inspire the artistic nature of dance.

The famous red wall was designed to inspire the success and  creativity of all who entered.

Millennium is known as a place where dreams become reality. 

 “It’s like a dancer all-star game, day in, day out. Everyone I work for loves it there. It’s discreet, professional and just has great vibes.”

-Marty Kudelka Justin Timberlake choreographer/creative director



The Millennium Dance Complex is known worldwide as the premiere studio of the commercial dance world and is widely referred to as a ‘the place where it all happens’. Although the studio’s A-list clientele and a faculty of the most sought after dancers and choreographers in the world has catapulted MILLENNIUM to a global brand, it still remains notably grounded, welcoming and dedicated to the highest level of service and instruction.

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Mission Statement

Above all this is a place of dancing
For those who choose or cannot help
But put their body and heart and mind
To the test


Remember it is your own test
Do with it what you will
Take it to the world
Or keep it here, just for yourself


Know that to dance alone is enough
The rest are choices


We are all connected here
Young and old, expert and novice
Famous and aspiring
In all dance’s various styles and faces


Connected by a common thread
To the interior of ourselves
Via the vehicle of the physical
Connecting with our world more deeply
By connecting more deeply with ourselves


Respect the dance
Respect its dancers
Respect yourself


We have made our own world within these walls
Driven by movement and music,
Strength and love


Create what you will
Welcome to the new Millennium


– AnnMarie Hudson, 2000


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